Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Imam speaking at my Unitarian Church

I was looking at the calender for the Unitarian church I go to today, and I noticed that in a week and a half a local Imam (leader of a mosque) is going to speak there. That'll be interesting. Don't worry, I won't boo him or throw food at him. Not in the church anyway lol

I have nothing against Muslims. I will welcome what he has to say to the group. Hopefully he won't get all preachy at me, saying I shouldn't have left Islam, or that you can't leave it (I'm sure he won't say the latter with non-Muslim around anyway). If he asks why I left I'll tell him the truth: the rituals got empty for me, and then I finally started questioning things I should have questioned earlier but had just accepted. It is a misogynistic religion, and I won't stay in a religion that treats women like children that don't have a brain. I won't raise my kids in that.


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Blogger A. said...

So women MAKE men go wild? Riight. Men should take responsibility for what they do!

I responded to your comment here.


April 28, 2007 at 10:14 AM  

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